What Should You Know About Commercial Truck Insurance In Texas?


With the current pandemic at hand, the demand for transportation of goods has shown an exponential increase as people are restricted from going outdoors. In a news article by the New York Times, a significant number of truck drivers across the United States are spending more time on the road than they do at home despite frequent lockdowns in many parts of the country. While this is excellent news for several cargo and logistics companies, the rise in demand for freight is directly proportional to the rate of increase in truck accidents.

Commercial Truck Insurance

Truck Accidents in the United States

According to Injury Facts from the National Safety Council, approximately 118,000 large trucks were involved in motor vehicle accidents in 2019, where 5,005 of those were fatal accidents. This number is expected to follow an uptrend as forecasted by the NSC and calls for more stringent protocols and road-safety discipline to be imposed by trucking companies.

If a person was injured in a truck accident in the United States, they can file a claim against the company responsible, and they may be entitled to compensation for all expenses including medical bills. Truck accidents can be very devastating to victims, but the cost of truck repairs and the resulting damage can often be much higher than the actual value of the vehicle itself. Truck drivers are required by law to keep their vehicles in good working condition at all times, and the responsibility of the trucking company falls on their shoulders to ensure their vehicles are always maintained in good condition. Unfortunately, sometimes accidents happen, and truck drivers may be responsible.

In case you were in an accident caused by a truck in the United States, you should contact an accomplished lawyer quickly, and remember to make the claim as soon as the accident occurred. In case you are uncertain whether to record a case, you ought to talk with an accomplished truck mishap legal advisor to check whether you have a case.

Texas Motor-Vehicle Accidents in Numbers

That same year, the Texas Department of Transportation recorded a massive 12,897 motor-vehicle crash with 15,843 people sustaining serious injuries as a result. Based on annual crash statistics, the department accounted for one reportable motor vehicle crash every 56 seconds in the state of Texas in 2019. Many of these include trucks and other large transport vehicles.

Considering those truck accidents have become more frequent in recent years, it is always a good idea to keep your business insured as it provides you a sense of comfort and emergency support. For this reason, choosing the right insurance for your trucking business is crucial in your overall business success and financial security.

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, in the fiscal year 2021, there were a record number of Texas Motor-Vehicle accidents, resulting in an outstanding total of over one hundred fifty thousand dollars in insurance claims. The report also states that there were more personal injury accidents involving automobiles, which caused an outstanding amount of more than four thousand eight hundred and forty-four thousand dollars. Of the total number of accident claims, fourteen hundred and seventy-two claims were insured, representing eleven percent of all claims filed in that year. Of those fourteen hundred and seventy-two claims, sixty-one were compensated to a fault or owed compensation for injuries and damages, representing ten percent of all claims filed in that year. Another fifty-one claims were ruled in the drivers’ favor, representing a balance of thirty-two percent of all claims filed that year.

Texas Motor-Vehicle accidents are the cause of many deaths and injuries in the state of Texas. The statistics are clear and irrefutable. No other driver on the road can be expected to handle the sheer unexpected challenges that Texas drivers are faced with everyday.

Commercial Truck Insurance Texas

Staying one step ahead of the game protects your business from untimely accidents, loss of vehicles, and even hospital costs for injured truck drivers. You can have options of insurance in your location. You can choose an insurance provider that takes pride in being one of the leading providers of commercial truck insurance Texas. Make sure they are offering insurance packages that are complete, reliable, and affordable. Along with our truck, the insurance package includes other trucking requirements such as automobile liability, non-trucking liability, overall responsibility, engine guzzler luggage, and physical injury trailer interchange.

Having partnered with some of the best insurance companies in Texas, they may also offer other Texas insurance coverage that is more suited to your budget and business needs. This allows you to have multiple options to choose from and compare with.


In a news article by the New York Times, a significant number of truck drivers across the United States are spending more time on the road than they do at home despite frequent lockdowns in many parts of the country. Truck drivers are required by law to keep their vehicles in good working condition at all times, and the responsibility of the trucking company falls on their shoulders to ensure their vehicles are always maintained in good condition.

Considering that truck accidents have become more frequent in recent years, it is always a good idea to keep your business insured as it provides you a sense of comfort and emergency support. Of the total number of accident claims, fourteen hundred and seventy-two claims were insured, representing eleven percent of all claims filed in that year.

The main aim behind the creation of truck Insurance is to protect the fleet owners of large trucks while keeping the state’s truck driving law active. They offer different types of insurance, including general commercial vehicle insurance and special coverage for truck drivers.

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