Understand the Advantages of US Import Data and US Trade Data
US import data is important if you are an importer or a retailer looking to ship goods to overseas customers. Importers must gather all of the necessary information before mailing any goods to another country. If you ship goods or services to U.S. importer, Import data helps you identify and qualify specific prospects based on their shipping records.
For example, if you have shipped goods to China and no record of your shipment can be found, a US importer will not be able to ship goods to this country. Without the right data, you may be sending goods to the wrong person.
The first step to sending bulk Import Export Data to your overseas contacts is to gather all the information yourself. This means finding the sources from which you purchase goods, understanding your customers’ locations and shipping records. Next, you need to organize this data in a meaningful way.
As you know, US exporters frequently enter data on their sales process into US customs data bases. To successfully send bulk US trade data to your overseas contacts, you must ensure that this process is easy and accurate for each of your potential clients.
Know the various ways through which import data can be approached
There are many ways to approach collecting and organizing US import data. While it used to be sufficient to use the US customs clearinghouses as your source, today many of our international contacts to enjoy easier access to US import data due to changes in the US customs system. For example, in 2021 the US government implemented the E-Verify system, a mandatory online clearinghouse for all purchases imported into the United States.
Now when a buyer requests for a US import document, the software verifies the request against the list of goods that enter the US through various ports. If a customer has a verified entry, it indicates that the customer has fulfilled all US requirements for importing goods into the US.
As many of our customers are located outside of the US, it makes sense to have access to imported goods in various languages. To help ease the task of accessing the needed data in different languages, there are several third party providers that provide translated versions of import codes. These systems are not always reliable and are prone to errors. However, many vendors provide good translation services for a fee. You can also search the Internet for free databases of language-specific US import codes.
Why it is important to request for the suppliers?
Another useful way to get US import data on importers and exporters is to request it from the suppliers. Many suppliers specialize in particular sectors within the US. If you want information on specific businesses in another country, you may need to ask for the contact information of their suppliers. In most cases, these suppliers offer data on their customers. Requesting this data makes it easy for buyers to locate the suppliers that best suit their needs.
While some businessmen prefer to buy their own data from the suppliers, many US exporters prefer to find third party suppliers who can better represent them. A number of national and international organizations conduct US import statistics on a regular basis. These organizations are able to provide quality US import data on the importer side as well as on the seller side. Some of these organizations also conduct surveys on the condition of the US import market. These surveys help US exporters determine the needs of their clients and find ways to improve their services. One can simply get the US import data from websites like importkey.com.