Learn From Basics – How to Transfer OneDrive Files to Another Account Without Losing Data Integrity

Transfer OneDrive Files

For businesses using Office 365, OneDrive is a cloud storage facility that helps users to store large documents files. Users want to migrate this data to another account due to various reasons.

This is where they feel the need to know how to transfer OneDrive files to another account.

We can say there are different requirements of Organizations in different scenarios. Businesses might need to migrate data of a particular user or users of an entire workplace.

There are only a few ways through which we can perform this task.

In this article, we are going to explore the two major methods that you can opt for, depending upon your requirements.

How to Move OneDrive Data from One Account to Another Using The Quick Modern Approach

In order to quickly transfer your O365 files, simply download the Fast And Secure OneDrive To OneDrive Migration Tool which can perform this task without letting you face any errors or complications.

Follow these 5 Simple Steps to easily migrate your data from OneDrive to another user account:

Step 1: Launch tool for OneDrive migration > Select Source & Destination Platforms

Step 2: Select Documents in categories > Apply Date-Filter for selective info

Step 3: Validate Permissions after Sign in to O365 through Admin login details

Step 4: Add users through user group mapping for transferring data in bulk

Step 5: Click on the Start Migration button.

This is the shortest method to get your complicated work done without any hassles, in the minimum possible time.


What Are The Reasons to Move Files from One OneDrive Account to Another?

Different organizations have different reasons to justify their data migration decision. But in the majority of cases, you can observe similar reasons that make businesses undergo this operation.

To Avoid MS Retention Policy Gaps

Microsoft is very strict in terms of licensing and subscriptions. If users exceed the limit of storage, then according to the MS Retention Policy, they have to make the necessary payment.

Users failing this step, can not access their data until they complete the payment process.

In the case of a termed employee’s account, the organization needs to transfer its data to a new employee’s account for the same reason of avoiding unnecessary payments.

Mergers, Acquisition & Divestitures

M&A activities are a major reason here, organizations take such data migration decisions for easy management of the further operation.

It is the common need of both the companies merging together. According to recent surveys, this practice is proven to be successful in better management.

Other Factors

In a few cases, users change their account for many reasons like facing glitches or bugs in the current account.

This becomes the reason they want to shift all their data to a new account which requires them to undergo this process.

What Are The Challenges That User Faces?

Users interested in learning how to move OneDrive data from one account to another must be aware of the challenges they are going to face. Let’s have a look at what are the challenges users face:

Planning & Execution

The planning & execution of a particular task is very crucial for the end result. This is why users should invest their time in building a perfect strategy for their projects. A plan with flaws will cause a negative effect in the results that businesses do not appreciate.

Complex Manual Method

The manual method for this operation is via PowerShell scripting for EAC panel, which is really difficult for naive users. The complex method also has many errors and possesses the chance of data loss.

Selection of a Perfect Tool

In the market, there are some tools available through which users can perform these migration activities. The only concern for businesses here is to select which tool is good for them. Selecting the unsound tool can definitely spoil the data transferring experience.

IT admins planning to undergo such operations need to be prepared for such challenges. This can help them move files from one OneDrive account to another.

Why Should We Select the Modern Approach?

There are several reasons why we should use the new and modern approach, as it eliminates all limitations of manual methods. It also offers extra helpful features to the users to make this operation simple.

Eliminates Limitations of Manual Method

  1. This tool keeps user data protected and has no chance of data loss during the operation.
  2. It can transfer bulk data in the fastest way as it transfers data with a speed of 40 GB per hour which the manual method can’t perform.
  3. It provides a simple GUI to users that make the process clear rather than a lengthy & confusing manual method

Learning what this modern approach is providing us is, as important as learning the actual process of how to transfer OneDrive files to another account

Offers Extra Helpful Features

  1. Capability to move Office data of multiple users using the administrator account.
  2. Along with the documents, this tool can migrate permissions of the documents as well.
  3. Offers Date Filter to avoid excess data and transfer data from a specific time period.
  4. This offers Delta migration for transferring all the latest arrived documents.
  5. Users can Start & Stop the process anytime in-between the process without errors.
  6. It can create a detailed summary & Migration report of the completed migration process.


If you also have the requirement to transfer bulk data of Onedrive, this article will be very beneficial. Go through all the described statements carefully to avoid any chances of error.

Pay attention while selecting the tool & for best results, you must consider the above-mentioned tool.

Users without having the in-depth knowledge of all technicalities involved in the manual methods find this task complex. This is why experts recommend the modern solution for a smooth experience.

As we have covered all the important aspects of this topic, we can say that we successfully learned how to transfer OneDrive files to another account in a safe and secure manner.

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