5 Super Simple DIY Hacks For Your Child’s Bedroom


Decorating your children’s bedroom design is different from decorating the rest of your home. You might find the task quite challenging, especially if your kids are too young. This is because young kids are often confused about what they want and cannot make a decision. Hence, avoid opting for expensive home decor designs as you might have to give the room a complete makeover when your kid grows up and starts forming an opinion.

DIY Hacks For Child’s Bedroom

However, affordable home design ideas do not mean unappealing home designs. You can come up with many unique ideas to decorate your kid’s bedroom without spending a lot of money. If you are not sure about how to decorate your children’s bedroom design without spending a lot of money, here are a few simple DIY hacks you might like:

01 of 05 Decorate the walls with your kid’s room

Never leave the walls of your bedroom design empty. They can appear very boring. The same goes for your kid’s bedroom. If you are not sure about how to decorate the walls, just hang artwork on them. Although you can easily find many beautiful paintings in the market, consider hanging artwork created by your kid on the wall. This will help to give the interiors a more personal touch and make your kid feel more comfortable. Do not just settle for one painting. Encourage your child to make more artwork. Get all the pieces framed and hang them together on the wall to create a beautiful wall gallery. 

02 of 05 Create a starry night 

When decorating your children’s bedroom design, you should consider adding things to the space that your kid will enjoy. This will make them feel comfortable and cosy. A common DIY hack you can use for making the room more fun is to stick glow-in-the-dark stars. These are easily available in the market and are attached to the ceiling. When your kid turns off the lights at night before going to bed, the stickers will light up. As a result, it will make your kids feel as if they are sleeping under a starry sky. This can be quite a magical feeling for them. 

You do not always have to buy them from the shops. They can be made at home as well. Just cut a few cardboard pieces in any shape you want and then paint them with glow-in-the-dark paint. You do not have to necessarily stick to stars. There are many unique ideas you can come up with like the solar system.

03 of 05 Turn a wall into a chalkboard 

As mentioned earlier, you must never leave the walls empty. However, hanging artwork is not the only solution you have in hand. There are many other options you can consider. If you still want to encourage them to draw and want to decorate the wall, just turn one of the regular walls into a chalkboard wall. This does not mean you will have to make lots of additional expenses and install a chalkboard. Instead, you just have to paint the wall with chalkboard paint. You kids will be able to use it just like a regular chalkboard and draw anything they want. 

04 of 05 Make a small library in the room

Reading books has always been a good habit. Hence, you must teach your kid to read books from an early age. One of the best ways to encourage them is by creating a small library for them. This does not mean you will need large bookshelves. Installing just one or two shelves on a wall can fulfill the purpose as well.

Get a collection of various types of books for your kids’ library so that they can read whatever they want. Although installing shelves in your kids’ bedroom design will help, there is another solution you can consider. The world is changing and adopting digital methods. Instead of buying hard copies of books, you can buy soft copies as well. Your kids can access them using any device. 

Irrespective of the type you choose, make sure you create a sitting area where your kid can read the book. This includes adding a comfortable chair and table to the room’s setup. Also, do not forget to install task lights near the reading area. 

05 of 05 Opt for customised pillowcases 

Even small elements can make a lot of difference. If you want to make the interiors appealing, changing the pillowcases can have an impact as well. However, you must not opt for store-bought designer pillow cases. Instead, get regular white pillow cases and paint them with fabric colours. You can give the pillowcases any design or pattern your kids’ like.

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