New Home, New Garden: Top Tips for Thriving Plants After Relocating


For most people, moving to a new city is an exciting opportunity because it provides them a chance to start fresh. However, for plant relocation, such changes are often stressful and overwhelming because they often connect deeply with their surrounding environment. When we move from one location to another, these familiar geographic conditions tend to shift dramatically for plants, leaving them in a state of shock. According to experts, constant changes like change in weather and soil conditions often cause potted and ground plants to die as they are unable to absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil (due to underdeveloped roots).

Thriving Plants After Relocating

This is why we need to understand the impact of relocation on plants because ultimately, it will help us provide the right amount of care they needed to survive in their new home as well. On that note, here are some practical tips and suggestions that you could use to help your plants adapt and flourish in their new home. 

  1. Evaluate and Ease In

Before moving and re-potting your plants in your new home, you should carefully assess the weather, and soil conditions of your new garden. Studies say that you should gradually introduce your plants to their new environment, only if the weather and soil conditions are optimal. Basically, this helps lower the stress most plants experience. Also, it prevents them from going into a shock that might affect their growth.

Pro Tips: If you wish to help your plants adjust to their new environment, then 

  • Place them in a shaded areabefore moving them to their final spot. 
  • Also, water plants were less frequently used in the beginning so that they could gradually adjust to their new environment’s moisture conditions. 
  1. Protect Them From Extreme

Make sure to protect your plants from extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, heavy rain, and strong winds, immediately after relocating and re-potting them in the new garden. This will help them form new roots and adjust to their new environment without over-stressing. 

Pro Tips:  To protect your plants from extreme weather conditions, 

  • Use shade cloths and temporary windbreakers 
  • Add a layer of mulch after repotting to stabilize the soil temperature and retain moisture. 
  1. Fertilize Them Wisely

Likewise, many experts have suggested that you avoided heavy fertilization for the first few weeks after moving, as plants are often stressed and are unable to process nutrients effectively. Instead, wait a few weeks before resuming a balanced fertilization routine. This helps prevent “nutrient overload” and supports healthier plant growth. 

Pro Tips:  The best ways to fertilize plants for the first few weeks after relocation is 

  • Use a diluted or a low-nutrient fertilizer or natural compost. 
  • Properly water plants to maintain a consistent soil moisture level. But do not overwater them. 
  1. Conduct Regular Weeding Sessions

Moreover, you should regularly weed your garden or potted plants after relocation because weeds compete for nutrients and water, which can stress new plants. Continuous weeding helps you provide your plant with a constant source of nutrients. This helps them successfully grow and adapt to their new environment. 

Pro Tip:To limit the growth of weed in your new garden as well as to help plants retain moisture, you should use mulch. This is because mulch prevents evaporation and blocks sunlight, which in turn prevents weeds from growing. 

  1. Monitor for Pests

Keep an eye out for different types of pest and disease infestations because plants (especially the potted ones) are generally vulnerable to pests and diseases due to stress and changes in their environment. Also, you should instruct your moving company to provide a temperature-controlled storage and luggage transport facility for your garden to prevent pest and disease infestations. An early detection of pest and different plant diseases like root rot helps us protect your green friends from damage across multiple levels. 

Pro Tips: To stopthe growth of pest and plant disease in your new garden, you should 

  • Avoid overwatering your plants
  • Make sure there is a proper air circulation in between the roots of plant. 
  • Use natural repellents like Neem oil. 
  1. Know Your Local Wildlife

Also, once you have successfully relocated to your new home and initially set up your garden, take the time to learn about the local wildlife and bird species whose feeding activities could destroy your plants. For instance, you should be aware of the deer, rabbit, squirrels, groundhogs (woodchucks), crows, and sparrow population of your new home because the feeding and nesting habits of these animals and birds often destroy seeds, fruits, young seedlings and the soil structure of your garden, thereby damaging or hampering the growth of your plants. 

Pro Tips: To protect your garden from these animals, 

  • Use fencing or netting.
  • Natural or artificial repellents like garlic or red pepper.
  • Create habitat diversions like bird feeders to attract them away from your garden. 
  1. Prune and Trim

Lastly, you should properly and regularly prune and trim your plants after your moving because firstly it helps remove damaged regions and excess growth, which can be stressful for plants. Secondly, it encourages the growth of new root and stem formation in plants which allows them to successfully adjust to their new environment. 

Pro Tips

  • Always use a sharp scissor to trim plants. 
  • Remove only damaged or rotten areas by making a clean cut. 
  • After you move, wait for at least two weeks before you trim your plants. Technically, this gives plants time to heal and readjust to their new environment. 


Moving from one city to another is often tough for plants. A common reason for this is because unlike us, they need to completely readjust to their new environment in order to survive. In other words, while shifting you should ask your Movers and Packers to handle your potted friends with care so that they don’t get over stressed. Also, once you have successfully relocated to your new home, you should use the mentioned tips to make sure they successfully adapt to their new conditions.

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