Is Your Market Strategy A Game Changer? Secrets Exposed! Here’s the Juicy Details


So Is your market strategy a game-changer? Simple question – but can your answer it? Many cannot, because not only do many not have a sensible market strategy, but they also have no idea what a ‘game changer’ is!

We shall explain here what each of these terms means. You may have a good marketing strategy, but you are unlikely to have a game-changer! Why? Because if you had, you would not need to even find this page, let alone read it! You would be highly successful, and your business would be riding the waves.

Market Strategy a Game Changer

What is a Game Changer?

In American football, a game-changer is the quarterback – it is a Joe Montana or Tom Brady. In soccer, it is the guy who runs the play – a Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo. What is it in business? It’s not a person, that’s for sure – it’s a strategy that gets you way ahead of the competition. Joe Montana and Ronaldo have their own strategies and direct operations, so they win.

Your game-changers should do the same! Get you ahead of the opposition, beat them at what they and you do, and then do it again, again and again. Your game changer gets you ahead of the pack. Game changers meet a need or solve a problem, and they can create a new market that you can supply!

What is a Game-Changing Market Strategy?

A market strategy has one fundamental goal: to generate profit by increasing sales and achieving a competitive advantage. The strategy can include several marketing initiatives and original ideas, but its prime aim is to increase sales and maintain a competitive advantage over others in the same business.

A game-changing market strategy is one that gets you ahead of your competition and keeps you there. It creates new rules and objectives that your competitors must achieve before they can even begin competing with you.

Hence what do you do to achieve this?

  • Create a need and meet that need!
  • Develop a problem and solve that problem!
  • Build a market and then supply it!
  • Be unique!

Sounds so simple, doesn’t it. If you can do any of the above, you have just created a game-changer for your business. Do them all, and you may sweep the field in your type of business.

Thus what is the Joe Montana’s of business? Let’s have a look at some likely suspects. How about Thinking? Yep – thinking!! Too few business managers and CEOs fail to think through their marketing policies and plans. Finally let’s start with Thinking!

When you get down to basics, all business boils down to people (employees, customers, partners, investors, vendors, etc.), and people mean relationships. Real game-changers understand the power of people and relationships, and they embody this in both their construction and implementation. If you forget the people, you cannot have a game-changer. Here are some aspects of game-changers that you can use to change the fortunes of your business.

1. Thinking

Think long and hard (yep – a trite term, but you need to do it) about your marketing policy. Who are your customers? Who could be your customers? When solar panels were invented, did the company that first marketed them think that car drivers could be a potential customer? Maybe taxi or trucking fleets?

Thinking about Marketing Strategy

Why not promote your solar panels to power road vehicles using panels on their roofs, bonnets, and trunks. Never work? Tell Thomas Edison that a twisted tungsten wire could never light up their home! Tell James Dyson that tornado or twister technology could never be used to clean your carpets. NO SUCH THING as never work – open your mind, THINK! Tesla and other electric car manufacturers may welcome this idea.

2. Not Working? Change Your Brand Name

Brand names need not reference the product – a catchy brand name can work very well to get people talking about you. So – if your business is not doing as well as you hope, think about changing its name. Here are some successful businesses that were doing badly until they changed their name:

DrivUrSelf: Pete’s Super Submarines: Confinity: Brad’s Drink: BackRub

Who are they now? World leaders, that’s who! Answers are provided below. Read the rest of this article, and you may even be able to work them out for yourself.

It is a well-known fact among entrepreneurs that are focusing on the company’s name is perhaps the most important market strategy you could employ. If you are not selling with your existing name, then relaunch with something more catchy. Each of the above five original business names is now worth literally billions! They were failing before they did so!

3. Sync With Your Customers – Advertise Wisely

  1. Think as your customers think. Be where your customers go! Use social media wisely to make contact and make sure your message catches the eye. Facebook ads can be a good source of clients and customers – but target them wisely.
  2. Create a ‘Buyer Persona’: define the characteristics of your ideal customer. Where are they located, what age and gender are they, their interests, what are they looking for.
  3. Create a Facebook business page and direct interested people to it. Use Facebook Ads intelligently. Use Facebook’s ‘Audience Insights’ to target your ideal customers. Many who fail with online advertising fail to do this. They fail to target their ads and spend advertising cash needlessly.
  4. Use social media as much as you can. There are now 4.20 billion social media users worldwide, and 5.22 billion people use a mobile phone today, equating to 66.6 percent of the world’s total population. Hence people use social media and use their phones to buy things! Connect the two and guess what. . .

It makes sense to analyze what your prospective customers are doing: do they have a smartphone? Likely yes, so your site must be smartphone/small-screen friendly.

  • Do they purchase using a smartphone? Yes!
  • Do they use social media – Yes!
  • So what game changer does that suggest?

Simples: You should make use of social media to promote your product or service. Sync with customers. Go where they go and give them what they are looking for. That’s a definite game-changer if you are not already doing this.

4. Adapt to the Times

Many businesses that were doing well online a few years ago found their online inquiries and sales dropping – slowly at first and then at a faster and faster rate. They had failed to keep up with the times and adapt to modern technology, and they failed to become mobile-friendly!

Even now, there are websites that are not responsive to smaller screens. Rather than adapt, they simply show the same pages in a compressed form – they are unreadable. Check your sites and make sure they are readable on a smartphone screen.

According to the Pew Research Center, in 2021: 85% of Americans own a smartphone. 96% of Americans aged 18-29 own a smartphone. If you have a website that is not smartphone-friendly, you will lose out irrespective of your marketing strategy. Your game changer is an easy one. So Think about it!

5. Measure Everything

As a market strategy measuring Everything, you can certainly be a game-changer! Creativity can bring a fantastic boost to your business, but how much of a boost? The most creative genius anywhere still needs to measure the impact of that genius! How many more hits – how many more views – how many most prospects – how many more customers – how much extra footfall – how much more money! Finally, how much more profit??

Measurements are good, but you must measure the right factors. Your ultimate measurements are:

  • How much did it cost you and
  • How much did it make you!

Furthermore if you like the concept of sales funnels, then define every stage clearly. Use KPIs that make sense to your business – don’t just copy another’s. The ‘me too’ concept rarely works in the real world. You want to be the ‘too‘ that the ‘me‘ wants to be!

6. Doesn’t Work? Change it!

If it doesn’t work, then know when to stop trying to make it work – and change it! Is your advertising doing nothing? Stop and think! What is advertising for? To get your message across! Can you create a problem and then offer the solution?

Business is fundamentally about people. Clients, customers, employees, partners, investors, vendors – they are all related to your business. Keep all of these people in mind and try to meet their needs, and you will have a game-changer in operation. Don’t forget that massive word: ‘Change‘ Things cannot remain the same if you need improvement! If you forget the people and the relationships between them, you cannot have a game-changer.

Change your business plan – set about constructing a new one. Change your business strategy to compete with others. Game-changing involves changing not only the way you do things but also what you do! Do not do what others do – do what you need to do and do it your way.

Therefore here are some examples of game-changers that converted mediocre businesses into world leaders. They are some of those mentioned earlier- examples of game-changers that are now known worldwide. They didn’t work, so they changed them.

  • Pete’s Super Submarines: This company started life in 1965 selling sandwiches in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Now, like Subway, it is known worldwide.
  • DriveUrSelf: Was purchased by General Motors and later acquired by Omnibus Corp, who changed its name to the Hertz Corporation.
  • BackRub: Didn’t do much – but Google did when it was renamed!
  • Brad’s Drink: Was remarketed as Pepsi Cola – with the obvious result.

Pretty cool, no? Just a simple name change made all the difference to these businesses. That is what you call a game-changer – change the name and change the game from loser to winner!

Market Strategy Game Changers: Summary

Market Strategy Game Changers

Is your marketing strategy a game-changer? Likely not if you are still reading this, but it is likely to be short if you have read it right through. This is not a step-by-step guide on how to create a successful game-changing market strategy.

It is intended to make you think and help you use your brain to develop your own market strategy. On the whole this is the only way to do it – not copy what other people have done but learn from what they have done. They made their mistakes, and perhaps you can minimize yours.

In the end while reading this may give you some ideas to try out – that’s the way many successful businesses rose from mediocrity to become world-beaters!

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