How to Minimize Kitchen Exhaust Fan Noise?

kitchen Exhaust fan

A kitchen exhaust Fan emits noise during operation, which is associated with the power of the engine, the type of motor, the way it is attached to the body and the design features of the device itself. For a long-term comfortable stay in the kitchen, the recommended background noise from an exhaust hood should be in the range of 45-50 decibels.

Is it possible to reduce the noise of the hood so that it is practically inaudible? Let’s consider the most effective solutions to this issue in more detail.

How to Minimize Kitchen Exhaust Fan Noise?

Well, it’s possible to reduce the noise level of the hood at the design stage of the kitchen before purchasing the equipment or already at the installation stage. Each of the options has its own methods that are worth considering in more detail.

Reduce the Noise Level in Advance

When designing a duct system and planning a kitchen, there are several effective ways to reduce background noise in advance:

  • Correct calculation of the hood performance concerning the total area of ​​the room.
  • Purchase of “low-noise” hoods.
  • Correct location and installation of the air duct from the outlet to the entrance to the ventilation duct.

Determine the Flow of Optimal Power

There are a lot of formulas for calculating the optimal power for a room with a specific area. Some of them take into account the maximum number of parameters, ranging from the initial noise level of the motor and the type of kitchen exhaust fan to the features of the layout of the room and the area occupied by furniture. 

After the engine performance has become known, and you’ve decided on the type of hood itself, you can choose the appropriate model, considering options with a minimum noise level, which should be below 45-50 dB. Although such hoods are more expensive than standard devices, they are much quieter.

Correct the Design of Duct

The next way is the correct design of the duct. Based on elementary knowledge of the aerodynamics of air flows and physics, it’s best if the path from the exhaust outlet to the entrance to the ventilation duct is as short and straight as possible.

Must-Have Fixed Plastic Box

Each bend increases the internal air resistance, increasing the noise level. The air duct must be fastened as rigidly as possible in order to provide it with a stable position. An improperly fixed plastic box or corrugated hose will generate additional noise and vibrations when the airflow passes through them.

Ignoring the Standard Rules of Installing Exhaust Fan

One of the reasons why the kitchen exhaust fan makes a lot of noise is non – observance of the installation rules and/or the wrong selection of the type of air duct. The airflow inside the corrugated hose will generate more noise than inside the plastic box due to the different surface structures. Line bends at right angles are an additional obstacle to the free flow of flow, which will also cause noise. 

The difference in the cross-section between the outlet of the hood, the air duct and the entrance to the ventilation duct can serve as an increase in the background noise. If possible, it’s necessary to smooth out sharp corners and replace the corrugation with plastic.

  • Poor Technical Condition

The technical condition of the kitchen exhaust fan is another reason for the occurrence of loud sounds. It’s quite simple to find out if the device creates extraneous noises such as clanking, crackling, grinding, etc. The problem should be looked for in the impeller of the engine, ball-bearing group, or in the way of attaching the motor to the case.

  • Ball Bearing Wear

The wear of the ball bearing group also increases the noise generated by the hood. It’s better to contact a service centre to replace components or fix another breakdown. Also, the cause of the appearance of extraneous sounds can be a backlash between the motor casing and the case. If the fasteners are loose, they need to be tightened to get rid of additional vibration.

Wrapping Up!

The best way to reduce the noise from the kitchen exhaust fan is to attend to this issue in advance, even at the stage of kitchen planning. But if time is lost, it’s recommended that hired professionals technicians resolve the problems related to the poor noise levels. 

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