How Custom Magnetic Closure Boxes Add More Worth


Select carefully crafted ClipnBox custom magnetic closure boxes developed according to your products’ demands and company needs. We promise you won’t be disappointed in us.

custom magnetic closure boxes

After thorough research, Sara decided to order the first batch of custom magnetic closure boxes for her premium range of custom candles. She started this business as a hobby to divert her attention after the death of her husband. On weekends, she found herself alone and depressed. That is when she decided to seek help and went for counseling before things got worse. Her counselor advised her to opt for a healthy hobby. Upon learning that Sara had a diploma in aromatherapy and candle making, she suggested working on it during her free time. Sara loved the idea and started working on it. Soon, she was making candles for family members and friends. Today, she is known in her town and the neighborhood. Sara provides a premium range of hand-crafted candles, which come in equally eye-candy custom magnetic closure boxes.
She learned many new techniques through online platforms. Soon she gave up her job to pursue her hobby as a business venture. When Sara started her candle-making business, she connected to many groups and communities online. She was amazed at the support she found online. She learned about the vendors, the latest tools, and many other aspects through these groups. Sarah also learned the importance of good packaging here. She understood how packaging could make or break a deal for a customer. She tracked the trending options of packaging candles and learned that custom printed magnetic closure boxes were ideal for her. Since ever, Sarah hated plastic packaging. She wanted to offer clean, green packaging solutions to her customers. When she learned that custom printed magnetic closure boxes were also available in biodegradable material, she immediately finalized the deal.

Why Sara chose custom magnetic closure packaging boxes

Sara invested in small-sized custom magnetic closure packaging boxes as her premium candles were not bulky. She knew that opting for these boxes was not a cost-effective option, but she got in touch with one of the best printing and packaging companies that help her minimize the cost. The company is operated by seasoned staff that understood her financial limitation and found the best customization tools for the custom magnetic closure packaging boxes within her budget. They further advised her to keep the size small according to the size of the candles. Like mentioned, Sara wanted clean packaging solutions for her products. She preferred boxes made from biodegradable material as they can perish on their own without releasing toxic gases or chemicals. These gases and chemicals harm the world we live in and are life-threatening to plants and animals. 
From her research, Sara also knew that the biodegradable magnetic closure packaging boxes were durable and print-friendly. She knew that these boxes were ideal for storing her candles and keeping them safe from dust, temperature extremities, impacts, and so on. The customers will love these boxes because of the auto shut option. The magnetic closure packaging boxes have a charm that adds more to the perceived value of the product. For many brands, this option is counted as an exclusive add-on for impressive appeals. Sarah selected her magnetic closure packaging boxes in bottle green and gold shade. The gold shade was added to the visual design and text using offset custom printing and options like foil stamping. Her brand’s boxes looked like gems sitting on the shelves of the local departmental store. They attracted traffic and enticed the audience. Sarah loved the response her products were getting. Even her online customers were thrilled about the premium packaging and left supportive and encouraging messages in her inbox. 

Ordering the right custom magnetic closure boxes

When ordering the custom magnetic closure boxes, it is essential to remember product specification, packaging goals, marketing, and sales objectives and communicate the same to the printing and packaging firm selected. Sift through impressive ClipnBox custom magnetic closure boxes today for best results.

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