How Can We Do The Roadrunner Email Settings for The Outlook App?

Roadrunner Email Settings

You might be using several social media platforms or various messaging apps to communicate with your friends and family. But you know, it doesn’t matter how common such platforms are. They can’t replace Email apps and services.

Email services have become the soul of sending files along with messages, especially for official purposes. Now some email services have grabbed a significant portion of the email services market. The biggest fishes in this sea are Google’s Gmail and Microsoft’s MS Outlook email services.

But still, some other impeccable email services have a fair share of the email service market. One such email service is the Roadrunner email service or the Roadrunner Webmail. But some users have experienced certain issues while using the Roadrunner Webmail account. However, one can easily configure and use their Roadrunner email account on a third-party email app. One of the most favorable Third-party email apps to use the Roadrunner email account is the Outlook app.

Thus this guide will tell you the ten easiest steps to set up the roadrunner email account on the Outlook app version 2013. Once you set up your email account on the app, you can easily do the Roadrunner Email Login and thus use the email services.

So not wasting any further time, let’s start the Setup guide for Roadrunner Email on the Outlook app.

Steps to Setup the Roadrunner Email app on the Outlook app

So, as you may know, the old Roadrunner Webmail servers are not functional now. Thus one cannot access their Roadrunner Webmail accounts using those servers. Therefore you should set up and use your Roadrunner email account on any third-party email app as a better alternative.

Now you may look for email settings for outlook, but the following are the complete steps to do Roadrunner email settings for the Outlook app:

  • So firstly, you need MS Outlook online. For that, search for the URL in the search bar of your browser.
  • Next, tap on the File button to open the Category information account settings.
  • Now tap on the New button from the email tab.
  • Then you have to enable the Server Settings.
  • Then you need to open the next tab and search for your internet email addresses.
  • Once you complete the above steps, you need to fill in the following details in MS Outlook:
    • Type in your complete name that is associated with your email address in the Your name section.
    • Next, type in your complete roadrunner email address in the Email Address section.
  • Then you need to select the POP3 option in the type account section. And once you select the option, you need to fill in the following server information in the respective sections:
    • Firstly, enter in the Incoming e-mail section.
    • Then insert 110 as the Incoming port number for the Roadrunner Webmail.
    • Next, type in in the Outgoing e-mail section.
    • And then, insert 25 as the Outgoing port number.
  • You also have to enter the following login information to complete the Roadrunner email settings process for Outlook:
    • So this is the last time in this process that you need to fill in your complete Roadrunner email address in the Email section.
    • Also, enter the exact password associated with your Roadrunner email account in the Password section.
    • And select none in the Login with security section.
  • Once you fill in all the above-given information, tap on the Test account settings option. This will allow you to test your email account.
  • So after completing all the above steps, log out and log into your account to check your username and password.

What makes the Roadrunner Email Stand out?

The following are some of the significant features of the Roadrunner email that will make you use these email services:

  • The Roadrunner email service is a subsidiary of the Internet Service Provider, Time Warner Cable Service.
  • The Roadrunner first started as a high-speed Internet service providing company at very reasonable prices. Later they introduced their email service which got famous due to its user-friendly and unique design.
  • The Roadrunner email allows you to use the Settings overview for both IMAP and POP3 server email settings while setting up the Roadrunner email account on the outlook app.
  • As we said, that roadrunner email is a subsidiary of Time Warner cable service. There are various additional features, other than the email services, that come along with Roadrunner email. Like if you are a Roadrunner email user, you get free access to all the TWC’s TV channel apps. And, of course, you get amazing and fast email services.

Although we have mentioned that the Roadrunner email settings given in this guide are just for the Outlook version 2013, these settings are applicable for most of the Outlook versions. So you can use this guide’s information for setting up the roadrunner email account on Outlook version 2007, 2010, and Outlook 365. However, there could be some minor differences in the setting up process.

And in case you find any kind of issues with the Roadrunner Email login, please do not hesitate to contact us for support.

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