8 Tractor Type According To The Work – Know Benefits and Uses

Tractor Type
8 Tractor Type According to the Work – Know Benefits and Uses

The tractors have traditionally been used on farms to mechanize several agriculture tasks. Present-day tractors are utilized for ploughing, tilling and, more often, planting fields. However, the tractor is also used for routine lawn care, landscape maintenance, spreading fertilizer and compost and clearing bushes. Nowadays, most of the farming operation is done mechanically. Hence it entirely replaces the labour and traditional way of farming.

Moreover, choosing the right tractor for your farming needs is a much more challenging task. It’s smarter to buy a tractor that can handle most farming tasks you throw on it. Always remember the tractor itself is a huge investment. Today, we came up with this superb blog where you can get in-depth knowledge about different types of tractor and their use cases. Let’s have a closer look at them.

Different Types of Tractor in India

There are various types of tractor available in the market right now. For convenience, we have divided them into categories based on their purpose, construction, and drive. These includes:

  • Utility Tractor 

Utility tractors are general purpose machines designed for tasks such as ploughing and driving equipment. If a farmer is unable to buy additional machines to perform specific tasks, then a utility tractor is a perfect choice. New Holland tractor models are the best tractor for agriculture purposes. They are feature-rich as well as very affordable. These tractors have power ranging from 45HP – 140HP. These are ideal for performing multiple farming operations, mainly landscaping.

  • Garden Tractor 

These tractors are majorly used for gardening works such as grass cutting, flower bed making, and more. For instance, garden tractors have wheels that are roughly the same size as a scooter’s wheel, although they are much thicker.

  • Rotary Tiller 

These are walking type tractors are used in smaller fields, most commonly where the field is situated at a significant height level. These come in handy where ordinary equipment often doesn’t work efficiently. Rotary tillers are smaller yet enough to get into small spaces and also used for setting seedbeds on the farm.

  • Industrial Tractor 

These tractors are engineered explicitly for extensive industrial purposes than agriculture ones. Industrial tractors are widely used to elevate heavy loads. Moreover, they are fitted with cranes to lift heavy weights easily. They usually have a drawbar instead of 3- point linkages and are available in various models and HP range.

  • Row Crop Tractor 

Row crop tractor arguably the best all-rounder tractor that can perform nearly any task you need to do. It can be used for meeting agriculture demands such as ploughing, harvesting, levelling, harrowing, among others. Their advantages include greater ground clearance, adequate row spacing, smooth steering and simple yet easy action of the implement.

  • Orchard Tractor

You probably find orchard tractors being used in fruit orchards, vineyards and many more. These are manufactured in such a way that they can easily pass between trees and rows. They have a great height as compared to conventional tractors and are usually narrow and high.

  • Implement Carrier Tractor 

The primary purpose of implementing a carrier tractor is helping the implement to mount easily by extending the chassis between the front and rear tires. Mounted implements include sprayer, drills, loaders, rotary sweepers, seed drills and many more.

  • Earth Moving Tractor

Earthmoving tractors are quite robust, powerful and extremely heavy, generally used in construction, quarries and dam work. These tractors are most suitable for relocating and moving things such as dust, mud, lumber, rocks, debris and more. They move the earth to dig holes for basements and new construction. Apart from this, they are even much more expensive. There are three types of earthmoving tractor available in the market right now. These are:

  1. Bulldozer
  2. Excavators
  3. Backhoe Loaders

So these are major type tractors, you can buy them accordingly as per your requirements. For more information about farming implements, stay tuned with us. 

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